Friday, December 2, 2011

It's been awhile

I'd like to say I've once again been inspired to put my jumbled ramblings into written words and document my existence. Alas, that's not the case at all - my hubby is taking a night class, and I don't sleep well when he's not around.

I've just discovered the design feature of blogger and WAHOO! I found my favorite color, now we're rolling.

I read a comment on folding fitted sheets earlier this evening, and it still boggles my mind. Seriously, is there a right way to fold them? Since I married and began to beget those beautiful creatures I so willingly call my own, I've become pretty good at laundry. I can concoct with the best of them , pre-treat, post-treat, soak for months and yes get most every stain known to man out of clothes. But folding....folding is not my forte. In a single load of towels, I'll find myself with several different folding operations. Usually, my work space dictates my direction, but for the most part, I just don't care. My general rule is square-ish. If the item ends in a fairly unwrinkled square-ish shape, it should easily stack on or next to another square-ish shape - This is my recipe to successfully folded laundry. So given my strict folding parameters, just how does one fold a fitted sheet? I've actually asked people this question over the last several years, and everyone seems to have their way; which seems infinitely more complex and better than mine, but none of them have stuck (I guess I don't fold sheets often enough - they usually just go back on the beds).

So here I am with too many sheets to maintain and no suitable method for folding the fitted ones.

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